Born in the 80's, Grew up in the 90's


Hello and welcome to my website Born in the 80's, grew up in the 90's. Let's take a trip down memory lane and explore what it was like being born in the 80's and growing up in the 90's. Feel free to explore and if you want to give some feedback or want to include anything on to this website, you can do so in my contact page. Peace!

As we all know, time slows down for no one and with that lifestyles change. As we grow older, we have that little space in the back of our minds that we can always go to and reminise how we once were kids and teenagers. It can either be to remind us on what not to do as we raise our own, or just to get away from the real world when we had no responsibilites to remind us that life isn't always about work. On this website, I'm going to share my enjoyment for video games, the evolution of music, and when cartoons were cartoons on TV.